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3-я Международная школа-конференция “Сон - окно в мир бодрствования”
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Stress protein 70 kDa promotes earlier recovery of sleep after stress

T.N. Mankovskaya1), 2), K.A. Hudik1), A.M. Nikiforova3), Yu.F. Pastukhov1)

1)Sechenov Institute of evolutionary physiology and biochemistry, RAS, St.-Petersburg, Russia, 2)Institute of physiology, NAS, Minsk, Belarus, 3)Pavlov Institute of physiology, RAS, St.-Petersburg, Russia



Белок стресса 70 кДа способствует более раннему восстановлению сна после стресса

Т.Н. Маньковская1),2), К.А. Худик 1), А.М. Никифорова3), Ю.Ф. Пастухов1)

1)Институт эволюционной физиологии и биохимии им. И.М. Сеченова, РАН, СПб, Россия, 2)Институт физиологии, НАН Беларуси, Минск, 3)Институт физиологии им. И.П. Павлова, РАН, СПб, Россия


One of the common properties of organisms cells is ability to synthesize stress proteins - heat shock proteins 70 kDa (Hsp70) in response to stressful influence. Protective properties of exogenous Hsp70 were estimated on cellular cultures [Guzhova et al., 1998, 2001], on brain slices [Kelty et al., 2002] and in behavioural tests [Andreeva et al, 2004]. Now it is established, that Hsp70 possesses somnogenic action [Pastukhov et al, 2004]. "Normal" sleep is the powerful antistressful factor and its disturbances can cause many diseases.

The task of the present research was to study influence of exogenous Hsp70 on temporal characteristics of wake - sleep cycle after "heavy" stress (deprivation of food, water, sleep and immobilization) at rats. Microinjections of preparation Hsp70 liberated from lipopolysaccaride (3 mkg / 0.7 mkl) and saline (the control, 0.7 mkl) was made into 3-rd brain ventricle after the end of stress as well as without stress. Continuous registration of electrophysiological parameters (electroencephalogram, electrooculogram, contractile muscular activity (CMA)) was carried out by computer system Sleep Analysis System (USA).

Data obtained show that microinjections of Hsp70 before stress resulted in small decrease in CMA in comparison with the control. An increase in the total time (TT) of non rapid eyes movement sleep (Non REMS) during 6 hrs after microinjections of the preparation was observed [Mankovskaja, Hudik, 2005]. The period after stress was characterized by a decrease in Non REMS in the first 4 hrs and an increase in the wakefulness TT. An increase in the TT of Non REMS is marked from 6-th hour and connected with an increase in episodes duration. The CMA level was reduced on 4-6-th hrs. Microinjections of Hsp70 after the ending of stress led to earlier (with 3-rd hrs) a decrease in CMA and recovery of temporal characteristics of Non REMS in comparison with the control. In this period Hsp70 induced a decrease plasma corticosterone level, which observed during deep rest (sleep). It is supposed, that an increase in Non REMS confirms a stress-limiting effect of Hsp70 promoting homeostasis recovery. The study was supported by grant of Presidium of SPb SC




Маньковская Татьяна Николаевна

Год рождения 1982

Институт эволюционной физиологии и биохимии им. Сеченова РАН, СПб

Институт физиологии НАН Беларуси, Минск

Должность: аспирант

Адрес: 194223 г. Санкт-Петербург, пр. М. Тореза, д. 37/2, комн. 175

Телефон: +7 921 776 72 33
